This is block is used to connect the P2P links connected to the second ISP. - Güncellenme 19 Feb 2025 21:00 Wed

Ağ Açıklaması: This is block is used to connect the P2P links connected to the second ISP.
Organizasyon: SomaliREN
Bağlı Olduğu Ülke SO Somali
Şirket Websitesi http://www.somaliren.org
Prefix Açıklama Ülke This is block is used to connect the P2P links connected to the second ISP. SO Somali Research & Education Network SomaliREN SO This block is used to connect our P2P links connected to our first ISP UbuntuNet Alliance. SO This block is assigned our member institutions to host some of their criticl services and its devided into /27s for each institituins. SO