
GIVC-NET Main Center of Information and Computing Ministry of culture of Russian Federation - Updated 16 Sep 2024 19:25 Mon

Organization: Main Center of Information and Computing Ministry of culture of Russian Federation / GIVC-NET
Country of Origin: RU Russian Federation
Peer Counts: 2
Network Counts: 1

AS52184 IPv4 Peers

  • AS542957.14
  • AS2922642.86
Rank Description Country Peer
4 IIP-NET-AS5429 Telecommunications center UMOS, LLC RU AS5429
3 Mastertel CJSC RU AS29226
Prefix Description Country 105066 Moscow Russia RU
Rank Description Country Peer
4 IIP-NET-AS5429 Telecommunications center UMOS, LLC RU AS5429
3 Mastertel CJSC RU AS29226