
E-MORDOVIA SUE of RM "SPC of Informatization and New Technologies" - Updated 16 Sep 2024 19:19 Mon

Organization: SUE of RM "SPC of Informatization and New Technologies" / E-MORDOVIA
Country of Origin: RU Russian Federation
Peer Counts: 2
Network Counts: 1

AS51635 IPv4 Peers

  • AS20754766.67
  • AS3113333.33
Rank Description Country Peer
4 SVTEL-AS Svyaztelecom LLC RU AS207547
2 MegaFon RU AS31133
Prefix Description Country SUE of RM "SPC of Informatization and New Technologies" RU
Rank Description Country Peer
4 SVTEL-AS Svyaztelecom LLC RU AS207547
2 MegaFon RU AS31133