
DEPTELECOMNSO-AS Department of informatisation and development of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region - Güncellenme 22 Dec 2024 21:33 Sun

Organizasyon: Department of informatisation and development of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region / DEPTELECOMNSO-AS
Bağlı Olduğu Ülke RU Rusya Federasyonu
Peer/Eş Sayısı 1
Ağ Sayısı 2

AS50451 IPv4 Peerleri / Eşleri

  • AS25231100
Prefix Açıklama Ülke Department of informatisation and development of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region RU of Telecommunication Technologies of the Novosibirsk Region RU